Minggu, 19 September 2010


wish i could run....

run away from the reality into the land of fantasy...



Jumat, 03 September 2010

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning...

and i suddenly missing you...


whom i thought would never in love with...in such a SHORT TIME...

i shouldn't love you...

i'm sorry for being a lady...

who needs your love deeply and only bring trouble to your life....

some say that love would fix a twisted yarn...

yet for me...

love only makes the fix yarn into a mess....

is it a punishment for me...

as I've rejected many love that comes to me..

yet falling in love to the one that i shouldn't love with...

notes to myself (this note was made when my logical thoughts is stronger than my feelings-Dec 9th '10):
1. TRUE that love only makes the fix yarn into a mess
2. NOPE it's not a punishment as there's not so many love that comes towards you (though if there's someone offer u love, there's none u can be proud of...don't be too cocky Melly..)
3. U'r time will come dear...U just haven't met him yet

Kamis, 02 September 2010


Hmmmmm pernah merasakah kalo di dalam diri lo tuh ada bbrp kepribadian....?

G sering banget berasa gitu...g kadang berasa ada diri g yg baik, jahat, pemarah, melow, cuek, dkk semua digabungin dalam 1 badan

kadang g bisa cuek banget sama keadaan g...ga peduli dengan orang mw ngomong apa...kadang klo g lg sensi/melow g bisa sampe berpikir "apakah g emank spt itu? si a mikir apa yah... si b mikir apa yah..."

errrr...kepribadian yg aneh kah? sometimes i just don't get me....

nah kepribadian yg sekarang lg nongol adalah kepribadian MELOW...ME need hug NOW....(damn PMS thing!!!!)