Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Little Things U Missed About Love

Little things u miss about love: 1. holding hands 2. The way he/she looked at u and drown u away 3. Talking at the phone till late night and still didn't feel enough 4. Still awake till midnite cause u'r missing him/her 5. Texting "i miss u" and get a respond 6. The heartbeating... 7. The hugging... 8. The feeling of being loved...

I'm a ....

When it comes to love... I'm a romantic person..if i'm able to find the perfect one to share it with .. When it comes to work... I fight till the end When it comes to family... My mom,sisters,niece & nephew When it comes to food... Gosh i love good food... When it comes to friends... I love having a good When it comes to drinks... please..or a cup of tea...non sugar of course... When it comes to life...never know whats ahead...just walk through it...

Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Cinta Tak kan Salah

Pernah denger lagu kahitna? Pernah denger lagu mereka yang judulnya "aku,dirimu,dirinya" klo gk salah di liriknya itu tertulis Cinta tak kan salah... Bagi g cinta itu akan selalu salah kalau kt blm ketemu "the right person" So what do u guys think?

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012


blah...people love to interfere others problem... or people love to become others problem and then they runaway like that...

Haruskah Perempuan Menikah??

Hari ini ada liat sebuah web ternama yg sedang melakukan sebuah survey judulnya :

"Haruskah Perempuan Menikah??"

Jadi sebagai pembukaan di web ini ada semacam video yg berisi survey dari segelintir orang yang menanggapi perlu/gk wanita menikah dan alasan atas jawabannya...Jawaban mereka macam2 ada yang bilang perlu untuk... menghindari kesepian...karena kita orang timur jd klo ga nikah wajib menanggung resiko dicemooh lingkungan...karena agama juga ada jawaban yang sebaliknya...dibilangnya zaman kita da maju ga perlu lg nikah...

Tiba-tiba g jadi bertanya perlu gak gue nikah..jujur g ga tau jawabannya...karena g merasa ingin nikah tapi nikah ma siapa ya?kalo g nikah hidup g jadi beres gitu?yakin g gak bakal disakitin?yakin jalan hidup g lancar2 aja gitu?

Mereka bilang nikah itu jgn gara-gara umur dah karena lo sayang ma orang itu...tapi klo umur da mlai expired trus kuping da mlai panas gara2 kiri kanan da mlai gencar nanya??what you'll do??

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Kindda quiet in here

The room is kindda quiet...
There's only the sound of the air conditioner...
and up suddenly the heart felt its emptiness again...

It's been a while since the heart had found it strength to deal with the emptied heart
Maybe..the heart is weaken now...?
It shouldn't be weaken or is it?

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011


Love makes people DUMB and NUMB

When u're in love u tend do the DUMB-EST thing in the whole world for the one u loved

But...when love leave u..there's only the NUMBness u'll have and GROUNDless hole...

Yet...EVERYbody is craving for love...